Friends Of India Central Arkansas

A cultural organization

Bada Bagh in Rajasthan

In 1975 a group of Indians decided to form a cultural organization to celebrate Indian festivals and events as well as preserve Indian ethos of life, and pass it on to future generations. The organization would become the heartbeat of Little Rock Indian American community.

Friends of India try to help Indian diaspora in and around Little Rock establish their connection with local community, paving the way to nurture each other's support structure and improve the quality of lives of families and individuals.


The Mission

  • Maintain, preserve, and showcase Indian culture, heritage, and traditions.

  • Spread the message of unity in diversity by celebrating Indian festivals and events

  • Help Indian diaspora in and around little rock to establish their connection with the local community.

  • Groom the second-generation young population to continue practicing Indian culture and tradition.

  • Be a platform for networking.

  • Nurture each other's support structure and improve the quality of life of families and individuals by providing opportunities for giving back to the community here.


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The history of friends of India




Learn more about the team


Upcoming Event

Arkansas Leaders Wish the Community Happy Diwali